Project of Complementary Law 77/2015: strategic network analysis and discussions in CT&I code


  • Edward Torres Maia Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brasília, Brasil.



Intelligence, Network analysis, Actors mapping


Objective: To demonstrate how the data available in cyberspace became intelligence tool to guide the mapping of actors and analysis of networks that aim to strategic thinking for decision making in relation to the Project of Complementary Law 77 / 2105.
Method: An exploratory study of a descriptive nature with use of the methodology of Social Network Analysis. Data were obtained through access to Google, in the view of the first three pages of search and cutouts according to the Critical Uncertainties (ICs) considered driving. Then, there was the lifting of the actors and their association with each of the five ICs. The data were refined spreadsheet and entered the following software for the processing and correlation of data: ORA, Gephi, Excel and Wordle.
Results: The results show the network of actors, according to the linkage of areas of interest, and the analysis of the words mentioned in the speeches. Five areas of interest were detected: Environments innovation promoters; Integrating chains to generate knowledge with the technological production at all stages of the R & D process; technology transfer for the development of national industry; training mechanisms and fixation of researchers in the most underserved regions of the country; Implementation of technology parks. The greatest interest of Actors is on Technology Transfer and Technology Parks Deployment.
Conclusion: The open information are inputs that can be collected and systematized and, with the ARS support, become an intelligence tool to guide strategic thinking and decision making.


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How to Cite

Maia ET. Project of Complementary Law 77/2015: strategic network analysis and discussions in CT&I code. Com. Ciências Saúde [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 26 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];27(01):21-32. Available from:



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