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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
  • Must be entered in Microsoft® Word or compatible program, recorded in .doc or .docx format.
  • Standard A4 (210 X 297mm), 2.5cm margin on each of four sides, Times New Roman and size 12, line spacing 1.5.
  • The style and creativity of the authors is respected for the composition of the text, however, it should contemplate conventional elements such as:

    1. Introduction with clear definition of the investigated problem and justification.
    2. Methods described objectively.
    3. Results and discussion can be presented together or in separate items.
    4. Conclusion
  • Avoid repetition of data or information in different parts of the text.
  • For words or excerpts highlighted in the text, at the discretion of the author, use single quotation marks. Example: 'gateway'.
  • Testimonials should be presented in italics.
  • Do not use footnotes in the text. Footnote markings, when absolutely essential, should be overwritten and sequential.
  • Figures, graphs and tables should be submitted in high resolution black and white or gray scale files on separate sheets of text, numbered and titled correctly, indicating the units in which the corresponding values and sources are expressed. The number of figures, graphs and tables should be a maximum of five (5) per text.
  • The image files must be submitted one by one, without identifying the authors, citing only the title and source of the graphic, chart or figure. They must be numbered sequentially, respecting the order in which they appear in the text. In case of use of photos, people can not be identified, unless they authorize, in writing, for the purpose of scientific dissemination.
  • References should be of a maximum of 20, and may exceed when it is an integrative or systematic review.
    References should be presented at the end of the article, following the rules of VANCOUVER and must contain the DOI or the access link.

    Guidance and examples for use of the Vancouver standard:
  • 1. Cover sheet with title, which should clearly and succinctly express the content of the text, containing a maximum of 15 words.
    2. Texts in Portuguese and Spanish should be titled in the original language and in English. The English texts must have a title in English and Portuguese.
    3. Full name of the author (s). In footnote insert the information on institutional affiliation and title, address, telephone and contact email.
    4. In the case of research results with funding, cite the funding agency and the case number. • Summary in Portuguese and English or in Spanish and English, with a maximum of 700 characters, including spaces, in which the objectives, the method used and the main conclusions of the work are clear.
    5. No citations or acronyms are allowed in the abstract, except for internationally recognized abbreviations.
    6. At the end of the summary of three to five keywords, using the terms presented in the structured vocabulary (DeCS / MeSH).

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

 Editorial Policy

         The Revista Comunicação em Ciências da Saúde (CCS) has three sections: the first publishes articles in the Clinical area with emphasis on general and specialized care; the second section publishes articles on Collective Health encompassing epidemiology, politics, economics, planning, management, and social sciences in health; in the third section, articles are published in the area of Education in the field of health focusing on active teaching methodologies.

          The CCS accepts unpublished works in the form of original articles, essays, integrative review, systematic review, experience reporting, narratives, opinion articles, book reviews of academic, political and social interest, as well as clinical protocols and cheers.

        The articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish, being prohibited the simultaneous submission in another periodical, in whole or in part.

        The CCS does not charge authors' fees, however in case of approval of the submitted article, the revision of Portuguese language and translations are the sole responsibility of the author (s) and must be done by reviewers and translators accredited by the journal.

Modes of work accepted for evaluation

  1. Original article: Final result of scientific research in the field of individual or collective health, which can be generalized or replicated. The text should contain between 10 and 15 pages *.
  2. Essay: critical analysis on a specific topic of relevance and interest for the context of district, national and international health policies. The text should contain between 10 and 15 pages*.
  3. Non-systematic or integrative review: critical review of the literature on a given research topic without the use of epidemiological method. The text should contain 10 to 15 pages
  4. Systematic review or meta-analysis: critical review of the literature on the current topic using a research method. It aims to answer a question of health relevance, detailing the epidemiological methodology adopted. The text should contain between 10 and 15 pages*.
  5. Narratives in Health: The author must follow a narrative structure establishing sequence and time, composing and characterizing the characters and situations and related subjective and experiential aspects, defining the spaces and environments and the appreciation of the narrator's own place. The narrative must present the succession and integration of the observed aspects giving a totality of meaning on the subject in focus (10 to 15 pages)*.
  6. Opinion article: exclusive for authors invited by the Scientific Editor, with size between 10 and 15 pages. This format is not required summary
  7. Experience report: description of academic, care or extension experiences, with a size between 10 and 12 pages.
  8. Review: book reviews of interest to the area of public health policies, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The texts should present an overview of the content of the work, its theoretical assumptions and the audience to which it is addressed, in up to three pages *.
  9. Document and testimony: works referring to themes of historical or conjunctural interest, at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

* The maximum number of pages does not include the presentation sheet and references.


        The copyrights are the exclusive property of CCS, transferred through a Copyright Transfer Statement signed by all authors, according to the model available on the magazine page. It is allowed the total or partial reproduction of the works since the source and authorship are identified.

Submission and trial process

The works must be submitted exclusively by the magazine's website.

Upon registration, the submitting author will receive a login and password. When submitting the text, all the mandatory fields of the page must be filled with content identical to the file to be attached.

Mandatory documentation

The documents listed below must be signed and posted in the post office or scanned and attached as a file.

  1. Declaration of authorship and responsibility

According to the criteria of authorship of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, authors should contemplate the following conditions:

  1. a) contribute substantially to the design and planning of the work or to the analysis and interpretation of the data;
  2. b) contribute significantly in the preparation of the manuscript or critical review of the content;
  3. c) participate in the approval of the final version of the manuscript.



  1. Conflicts of interest

Papers forwarded for publication should contain information on the existence or not of conflicts of interest. Conflicts of financial interest, for example, are not only related to the direct financing of research, but also to the employment relationship itself. If there is no conflict, simply enter the information "I declare that there was no conflict of interests in the design of this work" in the presentation sheet of the article.


  1. Ethics in research

In the case of research involving human beings, this should occur in accordance with Resolutions CNS / MS 466/12, CNS / MS 510/16 and complementary and should be sent a Consubstantiated Opinion issued by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) approving the research.

Saúde Coletiva

Nessa seção, são publicados artigos em sa´ude coletiva que contemplem temas de Epidemiologia, Políticas Públicas, Economia da Saúde, Planejamento e Gestão e Ciências Sociais em Saúde.

Clínica Assistencial

Nessa seção são publicados artigos de pesquisa clínica com ênfase na atenção à sa´ude, geral e especializada, promovida por todas as áreas profissionais da saúde.


Nessa seção são publicados artigos de educação voltada à area de saúde, ênfase aos que abordam o uso de metolologias ativas de ensino (PBL/ABP, Problematização, TBL, entre outras).

Reflexões em educação e saúde: a experiência da Fepecs e suas escolas

Número temático sobre a educação profissional em saúde no Distrito Federal a partir da contribuição das escolas mantidas pela Fundação de Ensino e Pesquisa em Ciências da Saúde (FEPECS): Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS), Escola Ténica de Saúde de Brasília (ETESB) e Escola de Aperfeiçoamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (EAPSUS).

Seção temática - Especialização em Avaliação em Saúde

      Seção temática feita em parceria com a Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (ENSP/Fiocruz) para publicação de artigos derivados dos Trabalhos de Conclusão do Curso de Especialização em Avaliação em Saúde.

            Os frutos dessa Especialização, resultado de uma cooperação entre o Laboratório de Avaliação de Situações Endêmicas Regionais da ENSP/Fiocruz e a Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal são  artigos modelados nos formatos: plano de monitoramento, plano de avaliação e pesquisa avaliativa.

            Ao publicar este número temático, a Revista CCS visa promover a divulgação e disseminação de conteúdos de interesse do campo do monitoramento e avaliação (M&A) de ações, programas e políticas governamentais para o apoio à gestão, principalmente na tomada de decisões. Busca-se também a mobilização de conhecimentos para fomentar a cultura de institucionalização do M&A e suas práticas para o SUS, dentro do contexto da saúde do Distrito Federal.  

Seção temática - Artigos oriundos de Programas de Iniciação Cient´ífica

Chamada pública para submissão de artigos produzidos por estudantes de graduação de cursos de saúde no âmbito de programas de iniciação científica nos anos de 2019, 2020 e 2021.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.